Salt Shaker FU’s

Hey, Y’all 🙂 

Thought I would drop in on the Ask Jessica Blog this week and share a story. Not sure if you noticed, but a couple weeks ago, we featured an image on the blog of Jessica in her office. And in the background was a picture of a saltshaker filled with middle fingers. It’s really an epic piece of art because there was a story behind it and a client was inspired and created this for Jessica. 

Some might say that a therapist having such a photo in her office is unconventional, but the truth is that there are many FUs that are healthy! For example, this week and weekend, I am saying FU to the crazy amount of shame I feel about everything. Shame is ugly because it is steeped in lies we have made up about ourselves or the voices that have influenced us negatively. 

I put so much pressure on myself to be a version of myself that isn’t real. And it’s not until I talk to a friend or share a brief few minutes with a co-worker that I snap out of the web of shame. We need truth-tellers in our life who get it. We are all going through it, and knowing we are not alone is sometimes enough. The workshops we are planning and even the weekly blogs are ways that we are trying to connect and empower fellow Las Vegas Women. We realized this week that one of the most significant missing components in so many of our mental/emotional/spiritual lives is CONNECTION. 

 “When we are deeply embedded in relationships, we tend to thrive; when we are isolated, the cost to our wellbeing is considerable.” – Tyler J. VanderWeele Ph.D.

One thing that I appreciate about working at Theravada is the mission to empower people, not just any people. People in Nevada, people in the Vegas valley, and lately, we specifically want to reach the women in the Las Vegas Valley. Because being a woman in Las Vegas is another thing, if we are honest. According to, “22.1 millennial women experience depression 22.1 more days per year than Millennial men.” That’s a lot, and we believe that one way to combat this is to provide a space for women to connect with other women. So we will be organizing some meetups soon, so keep an eye out, ladies!

PS. We are calling it Club Neon (Jessica’s Idea, and I love it!)

PSS. We are on the lookout for fellow NEON WOMEN to help us connect and empower other amazing neon women who need connection in this beautiful, unique little big city of ours! 

More details to come!! 

Can’t wait to connect with you! 

Mayda M. Murillo

Marketing and Community Outreach

Theravada Mental Health